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We always try our best to give everyone equal opportunity to participate in our dance classes. In the case of a cancellation, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance so that we might be able to give someone else the opportunity. Any cancellation past this time period will not allow for any transfer of payments to future classes or refunds.


For those who might wish to register and purchase classes in advance, please note that we will only hold payments up to the end of the month the purchase was made. Any remaining funds will not be transferred to the following month unless otherwise discussed.

Covid-19 Health Declaration

How are you feeling today?

  • cough

  • shortness of breath

  • difficulty breathing

  • fever

  • chills

  • muscle pain

  • headache

  • sore throat

  • loss of taste or smell

Liability Waiver

Please read and sign the following form in order to participate in our activities. Submissions are valid up to 24 hours prior to the activity.
  • I am fully responsible for all injuries sustained and or illnesses contracted including COVID-19 while participating in any dance activity

  • I am fully responsible for safeguarding my own personal property while participating in any dance activity

  • I agree to release Sabor Latino Dance Canada from liability for any potential injuries, illnesses including COVID-19 or loss of property while participating in any dance activity

Do you have any health conditions, allergies or injuries?

Thanks for submitting!

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